Dual Induction-Conductivity Logging - Environmental Contamination Project: Rehabilitation of old industrial land is common place today for future land re-use. Shallow drilling and geophysical borehole logging is common practise to map the location of subsurface...
Borehole Wireline
Gamma logging techniques for Uranium
Gamma logging for uranium exploration and mining is an established technique for producing a rapid and cost effective depth based profile in a borehole of uranium ore grade. The most common measurement systems involve a scintillation system where gamma photons are...
Calibration, Normalisation, Verification
Probe calibration, normalisation and verification – what is the difference? Calibrated data, this is often stipulated by a client in a contract but the calibration is commonly misunderstood. Calibration A definition of calibration is: A set of operations which...
Borehole Presentation – Deep Exploration Technologies CRC
I attended a presentation by DET CRC at the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists concerning the principles of the project and a current status. The talk outlined the guiding principles of the program: The need to drill more boreholes in areas covered by...
Borehole Imaging
Borehole imaging probes are now a common service provided in boreholes drilled for mineral exploration, geotechnical investigations and groundwater programs. The major mineral borehole imaging methods are: Acoustic imaging: requires a fluid filled borehole Optical...
Borehole P-S Seismic Suspension Logging
Ever wanted accurate compressional and shear wave arrival times in uncompacted near surface sediments? The borehole P-S seismic suspension logging probe has been designed for this purpose and can provide these measurements from inside PVC casing. By themselves, the...
Borehole Imaging – Acoustic Scanner
Full image coverage of a borehole wall – the acoustic scanner probe. The acoustic scanner, also known as the acoustic televiewer, uses high frequency sound wave echoes together with magnetometers and accelerometers to provide an orientated travel time and amplitude...
Borehole Flowmeters
There are several types of flowmeter probes available to identify, measure and quantify the flow of groundwater in a borehole. Such data will provide important insights into the local hydrogeology which includes: • Source of groundwater flow in a borehole. • “Thief...
Porosity Measurement
A simple definition of porosity or the amount of pore space is the volume of space within a rock which can be occupied by gas (air) or a fluid (water, oil). Measuring the porosity of a rock will give an indication of its storage potential for groundwater, oil or gas....
Geological versus geophysical borehole sampling
The geologist is interested in collating and understanding all data which originates from a borehole. The data may be in the following forms: Geological samples Cylindrical core samples from an interval of the borehole or the whole borehole. Chip samples from the...